Discipleship Instruction

Often former foster youth (ages 18-30) are so overwhelmed with providing for their day-to-day living, that the thought of paying attention to their overall physical & mental awareness as well as their spiritual health is a priority. Diamond House believes that our approach needs to be biblically grounded and in alignment with Christian principles. This means that mentors set individual goals with residents on their mental, physical and spiritual health and provide individual guidance in these areas.

Many times, former foster youth don’t know how to access health care, set up doctor or dental appointments, or might be unaware of what it means to pay attention to preventative care. Staff at Diamond House assists residents in navigating the healthcare system and accessing the medical and dental services they need.

Periodic workshops are also offered. These workshops could include healthy relationships, personal hygiene, preventative healthcare, mental health, coping with change, dealing with conflict, and so much more.